Diversity Workforce Coalition presents When Work Works Award to The Autumn Group
Manchester, NH, December 26, 2018 – The Diversity Workforce Coalition (DWC) announced that staffing and solutions provider The Autumn Group has been named the New Hampshire winner of the 2018 When Work Works Award for exemplary workplace practices.
The prestigious When Work Works Award is part of the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM’s) When Work Works project, a national initiative that helps employers become more successful by transforming the way they view and adopt effective and flexible workplaces.
The award is earned after a rigorous assessment that emphasizes the real-life experiences of employees and incorporates national benchmarks of employer practices from the National Study of Employers and the employee experiences from the National Study of the Changing Workforce. Two-thirds of an organization’s winning score is based on a survey of its employees.
Applicants are scored on six research-based ingredients of an effective workplace: opportunities for learning; a culture of trust; work-life fit; supervisor support for work success; autonomy; and satisfaction with earnings, benefits and opportunities for advancement — all factors associated with employee health, well-being, and engagement.
The DWC is the official host of the awards in New Hampshire.
“Studies show that when employees have options to balance their work and home needs they are happier and more productive. The Autumn Group has a culture that supports workplace flexibility. In talking to staff you can feel their excitement, energy and appreciation for their work flexibility,” said DWC Board President Tina Sharby.
“Congratulations to the NH winner of the When Work Works Award,” said Lisa Horn, SHRM vice president, Congressional Affairs. “The Autumn Group found that cultivating a positive, caring workplace culture was ground zero for building a dynamic, engaged, and committed workforce.”
The DWC presented the Award to Autumn Group COO Bryan Cedorchuk and Vice President Chuck Rice at the company’s Windham offices on December 19.
To learn more about the award, visit an interactive map that lists winning organizations by state. Additional information about the When Work Works Award and the When Work Works initiative also is online.
For more information about the When Work Works initiative and the When Work Works Award, contact Sundra Hominik of SHRM media relations at 703-535-6273 and Sundra.Hominik@shrm.org.
About Diversity Workforce Coalition
The Diversity Workforce Coalition is comprised of employers and other community members whose purpose is to promote diversity in the workplace through education, training, enhanced networking opportunities, and to identify and connect resources to its members and the public. To learn more, please visit www.diversityworkforce.org
About When Work Works
When Work Works is a national initiative led by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) to help businesses of all sizes and types become more successful by transforming the way they view and adopt effective and flexible workplaces. When Work Works is one of the foremost providers of resources, rigorous research and best practices on workplace effectiveness and flexibility in the nation. The initiative administers the prestigious annual When Work Works Award, which recognizes exemplary employers for creating effective workplaces to increase business and employee success. Visit www.whenworkworks.org and follow us on Twitter @WhenWorkWorks.

DWC Board President Tina Sharby and Past President John Wilson present the When Work Works Award to Autumn Group Chief Operating Officer Bryan Cedorchuk and Vice President Chuck Rice.

The Autumn Group celebrates its Award at the firm's holiday gathering at its Windham headquarters.
Tina Sharby
Diversity Workforce Coalition
Sundra Hominik
Society for Human Resource Management