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Hiring and Supporting Veterans

  • 11/05/2019
  • 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • NEDD, 2 Delta Dental Drive, Concord NH


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Close to 300,000 Veterans, Service Members and their Families reside in NH.  Please join us to network and explore a foundation for understanding, hiring, and supporting our military. Guest speaker Jo Moncher will present a profile of NH’s military population, promising practices, NH’s nationally recognized “Ask the Question” Campaign, and statewide employment resources. She’ll also share information on how businesses can address inclusion of our military and navigate the realities of PTSD, mental health, stigma, and military culture.

Tuesday November 5, 2019
Networking - 5pm - 6pm
Presentation - 6pm - 7:30pm
NEDD, 2 Delta Dental Drive, Concord, NH


Jo Moncher serves as the State Facilitator of the NH Employment Leadership Committee, with a mission of advancing inclusion of individuals with disabilities in the workforce through collaboration, education and advocacy. She currently works for the Division of Long Term Supports and Services at the NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Throughout her 15-year career with DHHS, she has supported unique populations, to include veterans, service members and their families, as well as individuals with disabilities, older adults and individuals who are at risk for suicide. For over a decade, Ms. Moncher served as Bureau Chief of Community Based Military Programs, representing the Department in working with VA Medical Centers, NH National Guard, Vet Centers as well as other military and civilian provider agencies

The Diversity Workforce Coalition comprises employers and other community members whose dual purpose is to promote diversity in the workplace through education, training, and enhanced networking opportunities, and to identify and connect resources to its members and the public.

Mailing Address:

PO Box 927
Manchester, NH 03105

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